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An Assessment of the Need for Consumer Health Education, Information and Communication in Contemporary Society

Abstract Consumer Health Education is the acquisition of knowledge and correct health information on the purchase and use of certain health product and services. Health information refers to the data and fact about health product and services that the consumer gets from media and people including professionals and agencies. A consumer is any person who makes use of product and services or information from another person to meet his or her personal needs. A consumer product is any tangible personal property which is distributed in commerce which is normally used for personal family or house hold purpose. Services are non-tangible in nature e.g. banking, telephone, hospital services etc. The need for consumer education is to enable the consumer knows how and where to buy required goods and services. This paper seeks to examine the need for consumer health education, information and communication in contemporary society. It is recommended that consumer education information and communication should be enforced to create answers and stimulate consumer’s interest. Keywords: Consumer Health Education, Health Information, Acquisition of Knowledge
Usoro Ekong HARRISON
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