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An Assessment on Household Management Strategies Adopted by Nursing Mothers in Uyo Capital City, Akwa Ibom state

Abstract The main aim of the study is to assess household management strategies adopted by nursing mothers in Uyo Capital city, Akwa Ibom state. Two objectives, one research question and one hypothesis was formulated for the study. The population of 110 nursing mothers in Uyo Capital city, Akwa Ibom state. The researcher, having considered the role of women in the family and society, the stress and health challenges women undergo in trying hard to fulfill the wife – mother roles, submit that: Nursing mothers should always ask for help from relatives and husbands, as co-parenting reduces stress and its associated health challenges. Proper time management should be employed; long nap hours of the baby should be used effectively. From the study, multitasking is greatly discouraged. Nursing mothers should plan their weeks, set priorities and work on their to-do-list while incorporating rest most essentially. Keywords: household, household chores, management strategies
Rosemary C. PIATE & Comfort M. ETUKAKPAN
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