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Analysis Of Education And Arts As Indispensable Tools For Societal Growth And Development


This study seeks to analyze the interdependence of art and education in our society. It is observed that education played a vital role in developing arts skills. The propose of this study is to show the value of art and education in the growth and development of our society. Education is the art of learning; it is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. An art just like education is something that stimulates an individual’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, interests and ideas through the utilization of the senses. It is wise enough to know that education helps an individual to acquire skills and knowledge while art helps in utilizing these skills and knowledge for the benefit of our society. The study therefore highlights several interdependencies of arts and education in fostering human growth and development. The study therefore recommended that the study of arts in schools should be encouraged by government to enable our youths develop their arts skills and techniques. Schools should employ professional arts educators to impart students with needed knowledge and skills.

KEYWORDS: Education and Arts, Societal Growth and Development

Roseline Williams AKPAN, Ph.D
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