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Application Of Online Platform In Mitigating Covid-19 Pandemic Effect On Secondary School Administration For Effective Teaching And Learning In Akwa Ibom State


The study sought to assess application of online platform in mitigating covid-19 pandemic effect

on secondary school administration for effective teaching and learning in Akwa Ibom State. An

Expost-facto research design was used for this study. The research area for this study was Akwa

Ibom State. The population of the study comprised of policy makers in Ministry of Education,

principals, vice principals and teachers in public schools. A stratified random sampling

technique was used to select 260 respondents as the sample size. The main instrument used in

this study was a questionnaire titled “APPLICATION OF ON-LINE PLATFORM, SECONDARY


(AOPCSSATLQ)”. For the reliability test, Cronbach Alpha technique was used and this

generated 0.81 reliability coefficient, proving the coefficient high enough to justify the use of the

instrument. The researchers subjected the data obtained to appropriate statistical techniques

such as descriptive statistics in response to the research questions and simple regression for

testing the hypotheses. The test for significance was done at 0.05 alpha levels with 258 degree of

freedom. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that various online platforms are

important and aids in effective teaching and students' learning in secondary schools. It was also

proven that online platforms significantly mitigate covid-19 pandemic effect on secondary school

planning, co-ordination and controlling for effective teaching and learning in Akwa Ibom State.

One of the recommendations was that Government should develop and implement learning

resources that embodies the flexibility and power of online learning to create equitable and

accessible learning ecosystems that make learning possible everywhere and all the time for all


KEYWORDS: online platform, Covid-19, application, school administration teaching, and


Iniobong Ekong NKANG, Ph.D & Essien Edem. UDO, Ph.D
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