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This study was carried
out to examine gender stereotypes, role differentiation and its effect on the
trend and pattern of social allocation to men and women in Akwa Ibom State
area. The study revealed that even though biological categorization of humans
is vital, in reality, it is the culturally constructed gender differentiation
into masculinity and feminity that is most fundamental in defining what roles
male and female play in society. It is obvious that male roles are highly
valued and rewarded than female roles. This division of roles along gender
lines placed women in under privileged position in terms of power, prestige and
wealth. This paper therefore adopted a historical descriptive method as its
methodology to highlight the practice in Akwa Ibom area and found out that
gender stereotypes restricts the life chances of female. The study noticed that
changing institutional arrangements occasioned by the gradual weakening of
harmful cultural practices due to introduction of Christianity and western
education, tends to alter the social structures in favour of women in
contemporary Akwa Ibom Society. One of the recommendations made in the study
was that, there is need for a change in the value system in order to improve
the outlook of the female gender as a significant and major contributor to
growth and development.
Extended Family System, Changing
Fortunes, Gender, Stereotype and Akwa Ibom State.
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