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Mangroves provide a diverse array of quantifiable economic benefits, ranging from fisheries support and tourism revenue to timber and non-timber forest products, storm protection, carbon sequestration, and water quality improvement. The study assessed the economic benefits of mangroves. Mangrove ecosystems provide significant socioeconomic benefits, such as timber, fish, tourism opportunities, and environmental services (e.g., coastal protection, water regulation, carbon sequestration, and nursery habitat for a wide-ranging diversity of species). The study concluded that the economic benefits of mangroves are multifaceted, ranging from direct contributions to fisheries and tourism to indirect advantages like storm protection and carbon sequestration. Mangrove ecosystems are among the most productive and biologically complex ecosystems on the planet and provide us with a myriad of essential ecosystem services. One of the recommendations made was that economic incentives such as Payments for Ecosystem Services as a source of local income from mangrove protection, sustainable use and restoration activities and ensure beneficiaries of mangrove services can find opportunities to invest in mangrove MANAGEMENT AND RESTORATION PLANNING.
KEYWORD: Mangrove and Economic Benefits
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