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Bureaucracy is an important pillar in modern governance. It is a form of organizational structure characterized by hierarchical authority, rigid rules and procedures, specialization of tasks, and impersonal relationships. Bureaucracy serves several important functions with in organisations, governments, and society as a whole. Bureaucracies are responsible for translating laws, regulations, and policies into action. Bureaucracies facilitate coordination and integration among different departments or units within an organisation. Bureaucracies collect, process, and disseminate information relevant to deision-making processes Bureaucracies are involved in allocating resources such as budget, personnel, and equipment to different departments or programs based on organizational priorities and needs. Etc. on this basis it was concluded that While bureaucratic efficiency and effectiveness are essential for achieving organizational goals, bureaucracies often face challenges such as red tape, resistance to change, and resource constraints. By implementing solutions such as streamlining processes, promoting innovation, enhancing communication, and establishing clear accountability, bureaucracies can overcome these challenges and improve their performance.
KEYWORDS: Bureaucracy and Functions 
Theresa Adaobi CHIMEZIE, Edidiong Idorenyin UMOH And Emeka Sebastine MADU
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