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Computer Education, Information and Communication Technology in Nigerian Primary Schools: Implications for Teacher Education


The National Policy on Education (2004:17) stipulates that ‘there is urgent need to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into education in Nigeria’. The document goes further to provide that ‘basic infrastructure and training for the realization of this goal at the primary school level’ shall be ensured. This paper is of the opinion that one fundamental prerequisite for the attainment of the aforementioned objective in the primary education sub-sector is the training of teachers through a viable computer education programmed. This paper therefore attempted to explain the concept of computer education and its development within the Nigerian school system. It also tried to show the relevance of computer uses in information and communication technology in teacher’s education. It was concluded that since computer education ensures the effective utilization of information and communication technologies in teacher’s education computer education should be made a core course for students in the Department of Primary Education Studies in Colleges of education in addition to general computer courses offered. This will ensure the effective and efficient use of information and communication technology (ICT) in our primary schools, as teachers at this level are expected to teach all subjects on the time table.

KEYWORDS: Communication, Computer Education, Information, Technology, Primary Schools, Teacher, Education

EKONG, Xavier Moses. Ph.D
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