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Effects Of Problem-solving Teaching Competencies In The Upper Basic Students Academic Achievement In Social Studies In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
This study examined the effects of problem-solving
teaching competencies in the upper basic students’ academic achievement in
Social Studies in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This study adopted a
quasi-experimental pretest-postest control group design with 4x2 factorial
matries in which four intact classes of upper basic two students (JSS2) were
taught Social Studies using problem-solving teaching competencies. A sample of
150 JSS2 students made up of 74 males and 76 females were drawn from two
co-educational public schools through the use of simple random sampling
technique. The study was guided by one research question and one corresponding
null hypotheses. A 50-item Social Social Achievement Test (SSAT) was used to
collect pre-test and post-test data for study. The data obtained were analysis
of variance (MANOVA). Findings indicated that there was no statistical
significant difference in achievement between the male and female students when
they were taught using the problem-solving teaching competencies in Social
Studies. Based on the findings it was recommended, among other things, that
innovative activity-based competencies should be adopted in secondary schools
especially in teaching and learning of Social Studies at the upper basic
education level.
KEYWORDS: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Problem-solving,
Competences, Social Studies, Academic Achievement and Upper Basic Education
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