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Employee Involvement in the Decision Making Processes and Goal Achievement in Selected Ministries in Akwa Ibom State Civil Service

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the extent of employee involvement in decision making process and goal achievement in selected ministries in Akwa Ibom state civil service. The study adopted an exploratory and survey research design. The population of the study comprised all the employees working in the Akwa Ibom state civil service; a sample of 388 respondents was determined using the Taro Yamane’s (1967) formula and the judgmental sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire tagged “EMPLOYEES INVOLVEMENT IN DECISION MAKING PROCESSES AND GOAL ACHIEVEMENT” (EIDMGAQ)”. The instrument was both validated and subjected to reliability test using Crombach Alpha as correlation technique. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of the analysis proved that there is low level of employee involvement in the decision making processes in the Akwa Ibom State ministries. Also, there is significant extent of employee involvement in the decision making processes in the government ministries based on position. One of the recommendations was that employees at all levels should be actively involved in decision making processes in the government ministries so that all the employees get fully represented in the management of the ministries. KEYWORDS: Employee involvement, decision making, government ministries and goal achievement
Edimo Daniel EDOHO
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