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English Language as a Tool for Enhancing Employability in the 21st Century: Focus on the Reading Skill

English is the language of formal education in Nigeria and the language of official communications. Attainment of a credit pass in English is a pre-requisite to university admission in Nigeria. This shows that, this subject is significant in the school curriculum. Language is regarded as the most important gift of God to man as it facilitates the activities of man on earth. Existence would have been impossible without a language to ease communication. English Language has developed from sound and signs to four major skills being listening, speaking reading and writing. Some schools of thought regard reading as the most important of the language skills as it is very important. In the process of education. Reading is the first sign of literacy. This explains why reading is regarded as the badge of intellect. Any nation’s economic, social, political and even technological growth are dependent to a large extent on their literacy level. Unfortunately, many students pass through school without acquiring proper reading skills. This adversely affects their education, attitude to reading and studying of other subjects is of utmost importance that every student should cultivate good reading skills to be able to meet up with. This paper, therefore, examines the roles of English language as a tool for enhancing employability in the 21st century the concept of reading, concept of English Language, problem with reading in Nigeria, challenges facing English Language reading were highlighted. The paper opined that the reading skill is essential for survival in the world. The reading skill is a tool for learning, understand, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, information, and perform different activities in and out of work places. A person with a good reading skill/attitude stands a better chance of securing and sustaining a job or competing favourably in the work or business environment.
KEYWORDS: English Language, Employability, Reading Skill

Vero - Ekpris G. URUJZIAN Ph.D
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