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How Libraries Can Support Society Publishers to Accelerate Their Transition to Full and Immediate OA and Plan S

ABSTRACT The relationship between libraries and society publishers has not previously been a close one. While transactions have in the past been mediated by third parties, larger commercial publishers or agents, there is now an opportunity for strategic new collaborations as societies seek to transition to open access (OA) and deploy business models compliant with Plan S. Welcome, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) commissioned Information Power Ltd to undertake to support society publishers in accelerating their transition to OA in alignment with Plan S. Outcomes demonstrate support in principle from library consortia and their members to repurpose existing expenditure to help society publishers to successfully make a full transition to OA. Principles to inform the short- and medium-term development of OA transformative agreements have been codeveloped by consortium representatives and publishers to inform development of an OA transformative agreement toolkit. Key Words: Open access, learned society publishers, transformative agreements, OA, scholarly publishers, research information, journals
Alicia WISE
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