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Local and International Health Regulations


The IHR are a framework that will help countries minimize the impact and spread of public health threats. As an international public health importance, countries are using the IHR frame work to prevent and control global health threats while keeping international travel and trade as open as possible. The IHR, which are coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to keep the world informed about public health risks and event. One of the most important aspects of IHR is the requirement that all countries will detect and report events that may constitute a potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).In the US, and as applicable to Nigeria, four main principles define the ethical duties that health care professional owe to patients. They include: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and Justice. All 4 principles are considered to be in effect at all times. The study concluded that the International Health Regulation (IHR) are legally binding regulations that forms the international law, which aims at assisting countries to work together to save lives and livelihoods endangered by the spread of disease and other health risks. Ethical issues in health care must therefore be upheld. The study recommended that every country should adhere to international health and regulation and report outbreak of diseases to protect against spreading infection to other part of the country.

KEYWORDS: Local, International, Health Regulations, Medical Malpractice, and Jurisprudence

Comfort Peter UDOBANG. Ph.D
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