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Menopausal Conditions And Health Behaviour Of Women Under Menopause In Abak Local Government Area Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


This study sought to assess the menopausal conditions and health behaviour of women under menopause in Abak Local Government Area Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The research design of the study was a descriptive survey design aimed at investigating and drawing inference on the menopausal conditions and health behaviour of women under menopause. The study area was Abak Local Government Area. The population for the study comprised women aged 45years and above. The sample size was one hundred (100) respondents used for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the five (5) wards. The same method was also employed to select twenty (20) menopausal women from each ward. The instrument used for the study was a structured questionnaire Titled “Menopausal Conditions and Health Behaviour of Women under Menopause Questionnaire” (MCHBWMQ). The reliability test was done in order to establish the reliability of the instrument. Ten (10) questionnaires were administered to women not included in the study area to ascertain the clarity of the instrument. Data was collected through the use of questionnaire administered personally and directly to the respondents and by oral interview. The items were sorted, tallied and complied using the frequency table. Simple percentage was used to answer the questions while chi-square analysis was used to test the null hypothesis at .05 alpha level of significance. From the findings, it was concluded that the period of menopause tends to affect positively the economic, health status and the behavioural pattern of the menopausal women. This is mostly due to their freedom from the bondage of menstruation which created most unfavourable conditions for them at younger age. One of the recommendations made was that the government should provide menopausal unit in the health facilities to create awareness for women on what to do when this new phase of life begins.

KEYWORDS: Menopause, Women, Health Behaviour and Abak L.G.A

Grace Joe EKA & Felicia Ngozi OLEBUEZIE
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