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This paper examined the use of e-learning and virtual reality as new methods of
teaching business education in tertiary institutions in Niger Delta States of Nigeria.
Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Literatures were
reviewed and referenced accordingly. This study was based on the concept of
Bennett (2019), who stated that e-learning is a network that enables the transfer of
skills, knowledge, and delivery of education to a large number of recipients at the
same or different time and location. E-learning is the online delivery of information;
it is the integration of learning with technology. While virtual reality is a stimulating
experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world, the
applications of virtual reality include entertainment for educational purposes (using
computers and handsets). The introduction of computer was the basis of this
revolution, and with the passage of time, smart phones and tablets have become
important learning devices in the classroom. The survey research design was
adopted for the study. One hundred and five (105) business educators were
randomly selected from tertiary institutions in Niger Delta States of Nigeria. A 20-
item questionnaire was designed and used for information and data collection. The
research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. The paper
concluded that it is necessary for business educators in Nigeria to key into the use of
new technologies such as e-learning and virtual reality to enhance continuous
changes in teaching methods and also help students understand complex concepts,
subjects, or theories. Data collected showed a mean of 2.51 and standard deviation
of 0.84, indicating a high extent of modern technologies will create an enabling
environment for effective teaching/ learning. Also a mean of 3.31 and a standard
deviation of 0.86 indicated a very high extent of internet materials and videos will
improve understanding/experiential knowledge of business education students.
Recommendations reached include that business educators must embark on current
training and re-training on ICT competencies programmes in order to fit into the use
of new technologies in the e-world.
KEYWORDS: E-learning, Virtual Realities and Business Education, Tertiary
Institutions and Nigeria
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