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Niger Delta Development Commission Activities and Infrastructural Development in the Rural Communities of Akwa Ibom State

The study strategically assessed the Niger delta development commission activities and infrastructural development in the rural communities of Akwa Ibom State. The study population comprises of adult male and females from the ages of 25 years and above; and are residents of the various rural communities in Akwa Ibom State who are beneficiaries of NDDC programmes, officials of NDDC and opinion leaders in the area. The research design adopted for this study is a survey design. The survey was conducted in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. The main instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire design by the researcher with the help of the supervisor. The major sources of data of this study were from text books, published and unpolished, magazines, news dailies, journals etc. internets sources were also used, all as secondary source. A field survey was carried out where raw data were obtained through a structured questionnaire. To test the hypotheses of the study, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient analysis (r); and the chi-square (X2) statistical techniques were employed. The calculated r-value of -0.0425 was by far, lower than the critical r-value of 0.195, required for significance at .05 level, with 498 degrees of freedom. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted while the alternate is rejected hence, NDDC activities have no significant relationship with infrastructural development in Akwa Ibom State. The study recommended that, since most of the activities of NDDC are perceived to wedge various significant influence on the developmental processes in Akwa Ibom State, advisory committee of the NDDC be made to properly advice the commission (which has already raised the hopes and promoted the confidence of the people that government agencies can be trusted) to complete or continue with the projects it has already initiated. It would be added that this zeal to perform should be emulated by other governmental agencies in the country.
Bassey S. UDOM
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