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Library automation is seen as the application of automatic and semiautomatic data
processing machines (computers) to perform traditional library housekeeping
activities such as acquisition, circulation, cataloguing, and reference and serial
control. Library networking means interlinked libraries or a system in which many
library points stretched across a locality, city, state, region, nation, or world are
linked with each other for information communication. The paper provided the
concept of library networking, noting that it implies putting together sub-sets of
information centres or libraries in order to act in a co-operative manner with a predetermined obligation. It also gave an explanation of the concept of library
automation and how prospects for library automation were used as the concept of
library automation to produce repetition. It was on this basis that the paper
concluded that libraries can achieve more benefits and can provide a wide range of
services to their users, given that resource sharing among libraries has become a
necessity in the modern era because of inflation in the cost of books and periodicals,
budget limitations, storage of documents, and inadequacy of personnel. One of the
recommendations was that, librarians should be sent out for training on automation
in order to be well enlightened on automated library for easy utilization of the
resources and effective mentoring of the users.
KEYWORDS: Library automation, Networking, Prospect & Problem.
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