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Structure, Purpose and Meaning of Miracles of Jesus


The study examined the structure, purpose and meaning of miracles of Jesus. As exposed in the gospels, the miracles of Jesus are not treated as if they were weird or irrational events. They are certainly extraordinary deeds of power, wrought through Jesus by God. These acts generated diverse thoughts, feelings and responses on the minds of the receptors and viewers. Some were filled with praise and thanksgiving to God, see the deeds as signs and wonders, reminded of the Old Testament stories, filled with hatred and jealousy calling it a blaspheme while to Jesus’ disciples, the miracles helped them to believe the more. The miracles of Jesus therefore are expressions of God’s power in the divinity of Christ, testified authoritatively to in the Bible, which signified the coming of that salvation that was associated with the kingdom of God. In contemporary societies, the belief in miracles had been attributed to the poor, low classed individuals, the sick and other minorities. This study has therefore pointed to the fact that the miracles of Jesus is a significant prove that God was and is here! Faith and obedience in God always bring blessings.

KEYWORDS: Miracles, Gospel, Healing, Exorcism, Resurrection, Dunamis, Stories, Terasa Semeion

Linus T. MONDAY, PhD
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