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The Role Of Self-concept In Students’ Academic Achievement In English Language


This paper investigated the role of self-concept in students’ academic achievement in the English Language. The paper revealed that self-concept is the personal knowledge of who we are, encompassing all of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves physically, personally, and socially, as well as the cognitive assessment of one’s own abilities and weaknesses. And that self-concept plays an integral role in academic achievement. However, several scholarly literature on self-concept in academic achievement were also reviewed. The paper also reviewed influences that impact a strong sense of self-concept and it was noted that many attributes (both internal and external views of self) impact self-concept or confidence and affect the maintenance of a strong "sense of self-concept" in changing environments. Thus, it was concluded that developing a positive self-concept is not only an important outcome variable in itself, it also plays a central role in affecting other desirable educational outcomes. Thus, one of the recommendations made in this paper was that government, non-governmental organizations, and school management should design an orientation exercise in the form of a paper presentation, seminar, or symposium in order to sensitize and enlighten students about the benefits of developing a high self-concept which can attract better academic achievement.

KEYWORDS: Role of Self-Concept, Academic Achievement and English Language

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