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The study sought to examine the health and fitness benefits of sport.
Positive effects from sports are achieved primarily through physical activity,
but secondary effects can bring health benefits. Because physical activity is
increasingly conducted in an organised manner, sport’s role in society has
become increasingly important over the years, not only for the individual
but also for public health. The study discovered that sports have an
immense impact on a person’s daily life and health. People who participate
in regular physical activity are at much less risk of suffering a major
coronary event such as a heart attack. Being fit not only means physical
health but emotional and mental health, too. Fitness includes five essential
components: flexibility, cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular endurance,
muscular strength, and body composition. Fitness is vitally important to
health and wellness as well as to the ability to engage in normal activities of
daily living. Finally, it was concluded in the study that participation in sports,
with or without competition, promotes healthy behaviour and a better
quality of life. One of the recommendations made in the study was that it is
important to prevent sports-related injuries and health problems, as a
number of these problems are likely to remain long into adulthood,
sometimes for life.
KEYWORDS: Sport, Health benefits and Fitness benefits
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