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Music is a crucial element of everyday life. People spend hours listening to
it and a lot of money buying it. This paper reviews different articles in
association with music and the psychological concern of how people
experience and use music in their daily lives. Many of those reviews show
that music can have considerable effects on cognition, both psychological
and physiological, as well as on the brain. The paper further reviewed the
concept of music, concept of life enhancement, types of music, and the
roles of music in life enhancement, such as creating moods and emotions,
being key to creativity, making learning more pleasant, etc. However, the
paper concluded that, other than entertainment, music has a very important
role in our lives. It helps in reducing a variety of disorders and chronic
diseases. And thus, it is recommended, among others, that listening to
music helps people regulate their emotions. Therefore, people should
develop the habit of listening to music and make it part of their lifestyle.
KEYWORDS: Music and Life Enhancement
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