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Barriers to ICT Integration in the Teaching of Home Economics in Secondary Schools in South-South, Nigeria.

The main trust of this paper was to explore barriers that prevent ICT integration in the
teaching of Home Economics in secondary schools in South-South, Nigeria. Relevant
literature was reviewed. This study adopted survey research design and the population was
233 comprising 203 home economics teachers and 30 principals from 10 secondary schools
in South-South, Nigeria. There was no sample in this study because the entire population was
small enough to be studied as a whole. Two research instrument titled “Teacher-Level
Barriers to ICT integration and Teaching of Home Economics Questionnaire”
(TLBICTITHEQ) and “School-Level Barriers to ICTI Questionnaire” (SLBICTQ) were used
to collect the required data. The questionnaires were validated by three experts one in
measurement and evaluation and two in Home Economics respectively. It was tested for
reliability using Cronbach Alpha statistics which yielded reliability coefficients of 0.84 and
0.81 for the two instruments respectively. Data obtained after the administration of
questionnaires was analyzed by using mean statistics to answer the research questions while
the independent t-test was used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. From the
analyzed data, the study found that: home economics teachers and principals do not differ
significantly in their mean ratings on teacher-level barriers and school-level barriers to ICT
integration in the teaching of Home Economics in secondary schools in South-South, Nigeria.
Based on the findings of this study found that: Home economics teachers should be subjected
to pre-service and on-the-job training on educational technologies relevant for the teaching
and learning of Home Economics. School administrators should encourage the integration of
ICTs in teaching by making adequate financial provision for the procurement and
maintenance of ICTs and other resources that facilitate their usage.
KEYWORDS: barriers, ICT integration, secondary schools, South-South, Nigeria
home economics teachers, principals

Comfort Monday ETOKAKPAN; Rosemary C. PIATE & Mandu M. EFFIONG
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