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COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria: The Implications on Social Lives in Akwa Ibom State


Man is a social being. The denial of his social lives is therefore the denial of his very own existence. The study sought to assess the implications of COVID-19 on social lives. The design used for this study was an Expost-Facto. In this type of design, the researcher assessed the impacts of COVID–19 on social lives. The research area for this study was Akwa Ibom State. The population of this study comprised all the hospitality services in the state. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 respondents as the sample size. The main instrument used in this study was an interview schedule titled “COVID-19 AND SOCIAL LIVES QUESTIONNAIRE” (CSLQ). The reason for using the interview schedule was on the ground that the researchers needed to adopt phone calls method where the respondents were called and interviewed over the phone due to lockdown of hospitality in Akwa Ibom State. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to determine the level of reliability of the instrument. In the trial test, a total of 10 respondents were randomly selected and the questions put before them. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.78 and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The researcher subjected the data generated for this study to appropriate statistical techniques such as descriptive analysis and simple regression. The test for significance was done at 0.05 alpha levels. Among others the study revealed that there is significant influence of COVID-19 pandemic on social lives in Akwa Ibom State. One of the recommendations was that individuals should engage in creative activities that will keep them busy and sane during the COVID-19 lockdown, activities such as making music, dancing, using Facetime to catch up with friends and loved ones, can reduce boredom and psychological trauma.

KEYWORDS: Covid-19, pandemic, symptoms, preventive measures, social life

EMMANUEL Amos Umana, Ph.D & Cecilia E. OKON, Ph.D
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