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Prioritizing customer satisfaction helps businesses financially since happy consumers are more likely to make repeat purchases and increase their spending over time. The study analyzed customer satisfaction, the effects and the dimensions. It was revealed that the success of a firm is impacted by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is fostered by organizations that use effective systems to comprehend client needs, personalize interactions, and maintain constant communication. The study mentioned Product quality, Service quality, Customer expectation, and Customer engagement to be the dimensions of customer satisfaction. Increased customer loyalty, Positive word of mouth and referrals, reduced customer churn, increased sales and revenue and Long term business sustainability were the effects of customer satisfaction on business success. On this basis the study concluded that customer satisfaction is a multifaceted concept crucial for the long-term success of businesses. It encompasses various roles, including its impact on financial performance, customer retention, and competitive advantage. One o the recommendations made was that companies should invest in robust customer relationship management (CRM) systems to gather and analyze customer data, facilitating personalized and responsive service. This helps in understanding customer needs and customizing interactions accordingly.

AKPAN, E. Ebenezer, Ph.D & CLARK J. Lion, Ph.D
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