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Maternal health information is the bedrock of women’s
health during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Despite numerous
global, national concerns and interest in maternal and child health care, the
rate of maternal mortality and morbidity in Nigeria has continued to be
alarming due to some unmet maternal information needs of women. Women tend to
be given inadequate information, education and communication and as a result,
the number of women dying during childbirth is still unacceptable. This paper
was aimed to explore the strategies the librarian will applied to connect women
with health information needed for improved maternal health care. The paper
identified the information needed during the three stages of maternal health
namely, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, these information includes;
information on regular checkups, antenatal, place of delivery, miscarriage,
nutrition, malaria in pregnancy, medicines in pregnancy, complications or
danger signs, infant care, child immunization, infant feeding, low birth
weight, infections, umbilical cord care, diarrhea and others. The paper looked
at some challenges that prevent accessibility of health information which
includes; illiteracy, poverty, distance, language barriers, inadequate
services, lack of information, inadequate human resources, poor attitudes of
health workers toward women and cultural practices. The paper concludes and
recommends that despite the challenges of connecting women with maternal health
information, the librarian can explode the following strategies to ensure women
access information lecturers, worships and seminars, partnership with women
groups and CBOs, displays and exhibitions, repacking of maternal health
information and enlightenment campaign among others.
KEYWORDS: Preventive care, maternal health,
maternal. Mortality, child mortality, women’s health, information needs and library
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