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The paper investigated the library resources as a
correlate of good reading habits' development in social studies. Library
resources are records of human knowledge on paper or in electronic form for
easy handling, storage, use, and preservation. The information contained in the
documents represents the authors' thoughts and knowledge. Documents are
available in a variety of print and non-print forms. Books, databases,
electronic books, electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, journals and
e-journals, official publications, online newspapers, referencing resources,
video, image, and sound resources, and so on are all examples of library
resources. In order to develop the collection of a library, we must know about
the categories of reading material, their types, forms, uses and
characteristics. Reading habits are an important tool for the development of
personalities and the mental capacities of individuals. Every child needs to
become fully competent in reading in order to succeed in school and to discharge
their responsibilities as a citizen of a democratic society. Reading is a total
integrative process that starts with the reader and includes the following
domains: the affective, the perceptual, and the cognitive. The paper summarized
that reading is a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at
meaning, and reading with a purpose helps the reader direct information towards
a goal and focus their attention. One of the recommendations was that the
government should ensure that libraries have sufficient stocks of books that
reflect the curriculum being taught at the school, and ensure the availability
of well-trained teacher librarians to run the school libraries.
KEYWORDS: Library Resource, Good Reading Habits,
Development in Social Studies
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