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This paper examined the role of libraries in e-learning
through information and communication technology, its prospects and challenges.
The advent of ICT is indeed a boost to library services as it now assists many
librarians in using their ICT potential to reach out to library users. The
increased exposure of ICT worldwide has enhanced the competitiveness of firms
in the context of product or service delivery. ICT application to library work
and services is seen as the best way that could be used to assist users to
adequately solve their literature needs efficiently. The paper also, among
other things, discusses various types of e-learning, the place of ICT in the
library, the suitability of e-learning for library and information science education,
and the prospect of e-learning. Also, the paper highlighted issues and
challenges of e-learning for library services, the prospects of effective
library and information services for e-learning in Nigeria as well as the
impact of ICT on e-learning. The paper summarized that the combination of the
potential of computers, telecommunication, and electronic media using digital
technology has created a powerful drive for changes in the way human beings
live, transfer information, process information, and carry on businesses. One
of the recommendations made was that for successful and effective use of ICT in
enhancing the quality of e-learning and teaching and learning, policy makers
need to be aware of how these evolving technologies can be of the greatest value
in their country's education system, and in this regard, they have to develop a
supportive policy environment and framework at the national level for the
integration of ICT into their education systems.
KEYWORDS: Library Roles,
E-Learning, ICT, Prospects and Challenges
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