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Well testing is the execution of a set of planned data acquisition activities from the reservoir to
broaden the knowledge and understanding of hydrocarbon properties and characteristics of the
underground reservoir where hydrocarbons are trapped. This well test data is necessary for the
determination of the optimum crude oil production rate of oil wells. Most oil and gas industries
use either the empirical approach or the nodal analysis method to determine the optimum rate
of crude oil production. The current methods used to determine optimum crude oil production
rates from reservoir do not accurately predict the optimum production rates of crude oil in wells
as the impact of gas-oil ratio, sand and water cut are ignored. The consequence of this
deficiency is the sub-exploitation of reservoir wells by oil producing companies. The pertinent
question is what methods can be used to effectively determine the optimum rate of crude oil
production from oil wells? Previous studies have looked at the problem and still use either the
empirical or the nodal analysis approach. This study seeks to use an analytical approach that
attempts to accurately determine crude oil production by taking into account the impact of gas
oil ratio, sand production and water cut. Relevant data for the study were obtained through
records and personal experiences. The data were analysed and presented in tables and charts.
Based on the data analysed, the key finding of the study are the quantity of crude oil production
from some local wells in Nigerian Niger Delta using the current methods (empirical and nodal
analysis approaches) provided a consistent increase in daily production rate of about 10-15%
of crude oil above the reservoir optimum rate when compared with the analytical approach;
crude oil production at these rates predisposes the wells to the risk of early water breakthrough,
high ratio of gas to oil production and sand production for unconsolidated reservoirs. Based on
the findings, the researcher concludes that the analytical method provides a better method of
determining the quantity of crude oil that can be optimally produced from an oil well/reservoir.
Finally, the researcher recommends the following, Crude oil wells should be produced at the
accurate Optimum/Technical allowable rate for efficient exploitation of the reservoirs.
Optimum/Technical allowable rate should be determined using the Analytical approach for
better reservoir management.
KEYWORDS: Periodic Well Testing, Optimal Crude Oil Production
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