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The paper examined the regular maintenance of library
buildings, the prospects, benefits and challenges. It was stated in the study that
maintenance of library material involves continuous monitoring of the stack
room, displaying of new material on the display racks and arrangement of the
books and periodicals on the shelves after use. Those materials have to be
dusted and cleaned at periodic intervals. Also, libraries build collections to
meet the information needs of their users, but it is also essential and
important to ensure that libraries meet their needs effectively as well as
expeditiously. This sort of goal can be achieved provided the library maintains
its resources arranged in a systematic manner and that the resources are
regularly shelved in proper sequence and order, which invariably gets disturbed
during use. Better maintenance of assets increased the life expectancy of such
assets, thereby eliminating premature replacement of machinery and equipment.
In summary, regular maintenance of the library building makes a significant
contribution to the orderly arrangement of library materials and to library
cleaning, shelf rectification, and library material preservation, which are
essential for efficient service to library users. One of the recommendations
made in the study was that the director library governing council should
support and monitor the maintenance group management team to ensure regular
implementation of the maintenance culture in the library building.
KEYWORDS: Regular maintenance, Library buildings,
Benefits and Challenges
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