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Strategic Assessment of Media Resources Developing in School for Future Education in Nigeria

There will be pressure on educators to direct media resources more strongly toward classroom teaching than is currently the case. There is a belief that the form of learning material affects the learning process and can infant influence not only what is learned but the way this information is connected with the rest of the knowledge structure that the learner had developed. Out of this belief comes the movement toward resource based-learning where the burden of transferring knowledge was to shift from the teacher to the resource. Such learning approach will discourage learners from note learning, this implies that there has to be a rich and constant supply of learning resources or instructional materials to the learning environment. This calls in part for cost effective strategies of media development and management for sustained media utilization in secondary schools. This paper which strategically assesses the media Resources Developing in School for Future Education in Nigeria outlines the instructional values of having learning resources at close proximity to the learning environment. It gives the theoretical basis for an organized resources collection in secondary schools and attempts the analysis of factors to be considered in developing learning resources collection generally. The study concluded that many of the students are still not computer-literate and one of the future challenges in media development will be in designing learning resources that will attract those with no strong interest in technology. It was therefore recommended that to ensure resource availability in school for any meaningful resource-based learning, a media production team consisting of practicing teachers, educational technologists and curriculum experts should be constituted at the Local Government and state levels and that this team should be monitored through an institution such as the National Educational Technology Centre.
KEYWORDS: Instructional Values, School Resources, Learning Environment, Media Selection.

EKONG, Xavier Moses, Ph.D
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