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The Impact Of Music On Academic Performance Of Students


The study aimed at examining the impact of music on students’ academic performance. Music education has been decimated in schools around the globe, due to competition with academic subjects and an increasing lack of funding. These days, the opportunity to learn an instrument is seen as more of a luxury than a necessary part of education. It was discovered in this study that students in high-quality school music programs score higher on standardized tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of the school or school district. Studies have also revealed that music helps in improving concentration. Now, an experiment by a primary school in England has revealed that music can also help in improving academic performance among learners. One of the recommendations was that teachers should use soft music melodies in class and at interval, especially, when trying to help the learners relax their memories.

KEYWORDS: Music, Academic performance and Students.

Kenneth K. FREEDOM, Ph.D
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