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Music has been proven to have a positive impact on stress-related physiological,
cognitive, and emotional processes while stress is believed to be one of the key
elements affecting our health negatively. Long-term stress has been linked to poor
individual health as well as significant societal costs. The paper provided the
concept of stress noting that it is an ambiguous term and has connotations that
make it less than useful in understanding how the body can adapt or fail to adapt
efficiently to experiences in daily life, including both daily hassles as well as major
life events and abuse or trauma. It also gave an explanation on the concept of
music, types of music. Melody, rhythm, harmony, tempo, dynamics, and timbre are
all used as the concept of music to produce repetition, variety, and contrast. It was
on this basis that the paper concluded that Music has been endowed with
restorative, therapeutic, and other medical values due to the fact that it is assumed
that music also influences stress-related cognitive processes and, as a
consequence, physiological responses. Previous investigations found reductions in
perceived levels of psychological stress, increased coping abilities, or altered
levels in perceived relaxation after listening to music in the context of a stressful
situation. One of recommendations was that, the public should be detailed about
the disastrous effect of stress and the health benefits about listening to music.
KEYWORDS: Roles of music and stress mitigation.
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